19 August 2008

Olympic Fever

this is a shortie. but, we all know olympic boxing scoring has been fucked since 1988. the new gymnastics scoring is bullshit. seriously, a flawless, clearly more difficult routine has to share the lead with a 12 yr old who can't stick a landing? and then be relegated to silver due to judge scoring. Nastia never scored below 8.9 on execution but the chinese girl did. yet she gets gold? fuck that. also, when did softball and baseball at the olympic level become little league with all the mercy rules? that's bullshit. if guam can beat up on the congo in a 100-1 route, then i say let them. i bet the next time congo either fields a team with competent people or they don't enter at all.

but now we must move to my most hated change... volleyball. you no longer have to win the serve to make a point, no, you just have to do anything that would be considered a point and guess what, you get a point. fucking horseshit. i miss volleyball (especially beach, and not for the reasons you think, but the fact that i find two people making it more competitive than 5-6 people can.) matches that went on for quite some time. gabby reese got me into beach v-ball waaaay back when. i have been an avid follower since. seriously, croc's pro tour, i'm watchin it. worlds... yep. all that shit, i love to watch this shit. it's the only women's sport i find more entertaining than men's.

if you can't tell this post is a drunken post. any spelling grammar corrections should be sent to anybody you see in the comment section that isn't me.
and now a few links (all pop):

seriously, her ac/dc is not amazing. but it could be.

make your own warning labels? ok.

uhh... physics kid.

seriously, if you don't wast hours reading this, then i have no idea why you're reading me.


Joe C said...

It's good to know that you haven't noticed that for at least since we were born all international v-ball has been played under rally-point rules.

I'm Scooter, but I might be a troll. said...

I liked how the physics kid was laughing while he was in obvious pain.

Zen Wizard said...

With 100 billion plus stars in the universe--their is probably a planet somewhere where Wing's music is ACTUALLY IN KEY.

Notwithstanding the pitch issues, I think that Bizarro is the only planet where we are experiencing no timing and phrasing issues.

But this is certainly more entertaining than Don Cornelius' smarmy schmoozy ass kissings after the lip synch of last week's featured artist on the "Soul Train" reruns on WGN, I will give it that.

Zen Wizard said...

My warning label is pretty lame--but hey, thanks for helping me waste five minutes at my job!!

No. I mean it. Thanks; sincerely.

Drunken Chud said...

joe, well avp, up until beach ball became an olympic even in '96 used side out rules. but, since FIVB was so big, they had to yeild to majority. i don't like rally scoring, it takes a lot of the skill out. i think. if you notice, this is a list of gripes that date back to 1988.

scooter, sometimes, you just have to laugh at your own stupidity. otherwise you have to cry, and his buddy was videotaping... soooo... if you're gonna blast yourself in the nuts on video, you better fuckin laugh, lest ye be called a pussy.

zen, i love wing. i seriously want to buy some of her shit and play it at parties.

Zen Wizard said...

Wing is sort of like what would happen if Yoko Ono:

1) had no songwriting aspirations; and
2) had no connections to any legitimate record producer, and
3) snorted PCP.

Anonymous said...

Again... what is this olympics I keep hearing about....?

Drunken Chud said...

zen, 1) dead on
2) dead on
3) or smoked hashish. either way, she does sound like yoko. egad.

(.)(.), these are some games in which you should compete if they allow breasticles and debauchery as an event. and when they do i will be a judge. just an fyi.

Kristin said...

When does NBC get back to normal?

Joe C said...

After the Olympics are over.

Drunken Chud said...

aug. 24th is the last day of the games kristin.

touche joe.

Anonymous said...

So its some kind of game where I can get my tits out and roll in mud or something?

Where do I sign?

Drunken Chud said...

estrella, yes. you get to go tits out, roll in mud, baby oil, and pastel (and only pastel) paints, and then attempt to do mod art on a giant canvas. we'll call it "tit d'art". it will be awesome. oh, and only natural titties allowed. no fakes. which is a prejudice to which i'm preudiced against. but, it's for the sport. i have to cede my ideals.

Anonymous said...

Nothing fake about my giant mams. If only.

I have have to object against pastels....

Drunken Chud said...

ok, i can move on the pastels. maybe pastels AND earth tones?

Drunken Chud said...

heff, me and volleyball are kinda tight. i watched that last night as well. though i was surprised to see fabio/marcio for brazil instead of ricardo/emanuel. but yeah, it was a good match. that third set was kind of a blowout though.

Dr. Kenneth Noisewater said...

It's been rally scoring in all the leagues I've been playing in over the last few years. I don't know what I like better, but I do know that I like watching women play more than I like women play. It must be the boobs and butts that put me over the edge, but maybe it's the longer volleys. Nope, boobs and butts for sure.

Dr. Kenneth Noisewater said...

I just noticed that I said I like watching women play more than I like watching women play. That makes no damn sense.

Drunken Chud said...

actually you said, " but I do know that I like watching women play more than I like women play."

which makes even less sense. but hey, we all have our vices.

Memphis said...

The Olympics were insane. I had to be drunk just to watch it.

Anonymous said...

OI. WTF. Did you start a new blog and not tell me about it or something?